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Social proof and trust is one of the most important things you can establish with a potential customer, client, and even communities. Deskx helps you get recognized for the achievements and accomplishments you’ve made, helping you set off a domino effect of new opportunities in your career and business.
You wouldn’t get on an airplane if you didn’t know where it was going to end up. That’s what a typical PR firm sells you.Not deskx. You know exactly what your destination is and it’s placement and results. Don’t wait any longer to become an authority in your field.
How would it feel to finally "make it"?
Just ask Anthony Napolitano, a young entrepreneur who we recently got published in Fox News 34...He's now using the leverage from this publication to close deals for his agency & recruit students for his financial education course.
We can't forget about Garrain Jones, who was recently featured in Yahoo Finance:

Then we have MattyKevs an up and coming Musician...

Last but not least we have Entrepreneur and Hollywood Actor Ian Ziering...

We could keep the examples rolling however we'd be here all day... get started 👇🏽
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